Maven Core Release 3.5.5/3.6.0?
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-13 20:20:06 UTC
based on the issues have been solved..

from my point of view waiting at the moment for the following issues:

* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391

Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...

This results into the question:

Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?

Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?

What do you think?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Mark Raynsford
2018-09-13 20:32:08 UTC
On 2018-09-13T22:20:06 +0200
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
I'd really like to see MNG-5951 make it into something soon, as I've
been bitten by this issue and was publishing bad metadata in OSGi
bundles without realizing. From what I understand, it already did make
it into 3.4.0, but 3.4.0 ended up not happening. I'm not sure how
closely Maven follows semantic versioning, but I assume that would
require calling the release 3.6.0?
Mark Raynsford | http://www.io7m.com
2018-09-14 06:06:08 UTC
+1 to merging MNG-5951
then call it Maven 3.6.0, since this is not a bugfix but a little enhancement
(long awaited...)

the only issue is that the changelog is really tiny: but do we really need
huge changelog before doing a non-bugfix release?


Post by Mark Raynsford
On 2018-09-13T22:20:06 +0200
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
I'd really like to see MNG-5951 make it into something soon, as I've
been bitten by this issue and was publishing bad metadata in OSGi
bundles without realizing. From what I understand, it already did make
it into 3.4.0, but 3.4.0 ended up not happening. I'm not sure how
closely Maven follows semantic versioning, but I assume that would
require calling the release 3.6.0?
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-14 06:16:48 UTC
Post by Hervé BOUTEMY
+1 to merging MNG-5951
If this ready than of course we should get it into master...
Post by Hervé BOUTEMY
then call it Maven 3.6.0, since this is not a bugfix but a little enhancement
(long awaited...)
Yeah than it's not a bug fix anymore...
Post by Hervé BOUTEMY
the only issue is that the changelog is really tiny: but do we really need
huge changelog before doing a non-bugfix release?
No I don't think so...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Hervé BOUTEMY
Post by Mark Raynsford
On 2018-09-13T22:20:06 +0200
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
I'd really like to see MNG-5951 make it into something soon, as I've
been bitten by this issue and was publishing bad metadata in OSGi
bundles without realizing. From what I understand, it already did make
it into 3.4.0, but 3.4.0 ended up not happening. I'm not sure how
closely Maven follows semantic versioning, but I assume that would
require calling the release 3.6.0?
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-23 18:05:12 UTC

based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...

If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the
next week is your chance...

So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..

Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
 * MNG-6311
 * MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Robert Scholte
2018-09-23 21:36:46 UTC

I'd like to see MNG-6391 fixed. I've noticed on several conferences that
the version in the final line in confusing. This is probably the best
release to fix that.
MNG-6415 is another easy fix, but is waiting for somebody to create an
integration test to confirm the fix.


On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 20:05:12 +0200, Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the
next week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-24 04:54:00 UTC
Post by Robert Scholte
I'd like to see MNG-6391 fixed. I've noticed on several conferences that
the version in the final line in confusing. This is probably the best
release to fix that.
No problem I will take care to handle this (MNG-6391)

Kind kegards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Robert Scholte
MNG-6415 is another easy fix, but is waiting for somebody to create an
integration test to confirm the fix.
On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 20:05:12 +0200, Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release
the next week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
    * MNG-6311
  * MNG-6391
 Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
 Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
 Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
 What do you think?
 Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Stephen Connolly
2018-09-24 08:39:04 UTC
I assume you would like my notes from the 3.5.3 release: (also the
source-release-validator is at

$ export JAVA_HOME=jdk7
$ export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
$ mvn release:prepare release:perform
$ cd target/checkout
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
$ cd ../../../maven-integration-testing
$ docker build --tag maven-it:latest environments/debian-jdk7 && docker run
-it --rm -v $(pwd):/root/maven-integration-testing -v
$(pwd)/../maven:/root/maven maven-it:latest bash -c "cd
/root/maven-integration-testing && for dist in
/root/maven/target/checkout/apache-maven/target/apache-maven-*-bin.zip ; do
mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=\$HOME/tmp/repo
-DmavenDistro=\$dist ; done"
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm

Close staging repo

$ cd ~/tmp
$ svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3 maven-dist
$ cd maven-dist
$ mkdir -p 3.5.3/{binaries,source}
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/binaries/ ; for hash in "" .asc
.md5 .sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/source/ ; for hash in "" .asc .md5
.sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done

$ for f in $(find . -name \*.tar.gz -o -name \*.zip) ; do echo -n
$(gsha256sum "$f" | sed -e 's/ .*$//') > "${f}.sha256" ; done

$ svn add 3.5.3
$ svn ci -m "Staging the 3.5.3 binaries for the release vote"
Send vote email
$ cd ../source-release-validator && target/appassembler/bin/sra
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/maven-1401 3.5.3
Send release-validator email
Start preparing the release notes
Start changes to recommended version in maven-site/pom.xml


$ svn ci -m "update release notes"
$ cd ~/apache/maven && vi doap_Maven.rdf && git commit -m "update doap"
doap_Maven.rdf && git push
$ svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3/3.5.3
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/maven/maven-3 -m "Release 3.5.3"
$ svn cp
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/website/components/ref/3.5.4 -m
"Deploy the 3.5.4 reference documentation"
$ Mark version released in JIRA
$ release staging repo

--- wait the sync to mirrors ---

24. Publish the website with https://cms.apache.org/maven/publish
25. Send the announcement email
26. (PMC only) Record the release on
27. Tweet the release
28. Wait for the announcement email to show up on the
https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-announce/ archives
29. Update the site history with the announce email
30. Publish the site again
31. Celebrate!!!
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the
next week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-24 18:43:09 UTC
Hi Stephen,

I appreciate that...

That will a lot..


Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Stephen Connolly
I assume you would like my notes from the 3.5.3 release: (also the
source-release-validator is at
$ export JAVA_HOME=jdk7
$ export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
$ mvn release:prepare release:perform
$ cd target/checkout
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
$ cd ../../../maven-integration-testing
$ docker build --tag maven-it:latest environments/debian-jdk7 && docker run
-it --rm -v $(pwd):/root/maven-integration-testing -v
$(pwd)/../maven:/root/maven maven-it:latest bash -c "cd
/root/maven-integration-testing && for dist in
/root/maven/target/checkout/apache-maven/target/apache-maven-*-bin.zip ; do
mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=\$HOME/tmp/repo
-DmavenDistro=\$dist ; done"
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
Close staging repo
$ cd ~/tmp
$ svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3 maven-dist
$ cd maven-dist
$ mkdir -p 3.5.3/{binaries,source}
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/binaries/ ; for hash in "" .asc
.md5 .sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/source/ ; for hash in "" .asc .md5
.sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done
$ for f in $(find . -name \*.tar.gz -o -name \*.zip) ; do echo -n
$(gsha256sum "$f" | sed -e 's/ .*$//') > "${f}.sha256" ; done
$ svn add 3.5.3
$ svn ci -m "Staging the 3.5.3 binaries for the release vote"
Send vote email
$ cd ../source-release-validator && target/appassembler/bin/sra
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/maven-1401 3.5.3
Send release-validator email
Start preparing the release notes
Start changes to recommended version in maven-site/pom.xml
$ svn ci -m "update release notes"
$ cd ~/apache/maven && vi doap_Maven.rdf && git commit -m "update doap"
doap_Maven.rdf && git push
$ svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3/3.5.3
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/maven/maven-3 -m "Release 3.5.3"
$ svn cp
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/website/components/ref/3.5.4 -m
"Deploy the 3.5.4 reference documentation"
$ Mark version released in JIRA
$ release staging repo
--- wait the sync to mirrors ---
24. Publish the website with https://cms.apache.org/maven/publish
25. Send the announcement email
26. (PMC only) Record the release on
27. Tweet the release
28. Wait for the announcement email to show up on the
https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-announce/ archives
29. Update the site history with the announce email
30. Publish the site again
31. Celebrate!!!
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the
next week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-24 18:44:59 UTC
Hi Stephen,
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Hi Stephen,
I appreciate that...
That will a lot..
Too fast with the send button.

This should be read as:

That will help a lot...


Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Stephen Connolly
I assume you would like my notes from the 3.5.3 release: (also the
source-release-validator is at
$ export JAVA_HOME=jdk7
$ export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
$ mvn release:prepare release:perform
$ cd target/checkout
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
$ cd ../../../maven-integration-testing
$ docker build --tag maven-it:latest environments/debian-jdk7 && docker run
-it --rm -v $(pwd):/root/maven-integration-testing -v
$(pwd)/../maven:/root/maven maven-it:latest  bash -c "cd
/root/maven-integration-testing && for dist in
/root/maven/target/checkout/apache-maven/target/apache-maven-*-bin.zip ; do
mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=\$HOME/tmp/repo
-DmavenDistro=\$dist ; done"
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
Close staging repo
$ cd ~/tmp
$ svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3 maven-dist
$ cd maven-dist
$ mkdir -p 3.5.3/{binaries,source}
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/binaries/ ; for hash in "" .asc
.md5 .sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/source/ ; for hash in "" .asc .md5
.sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done
$ for f in $(find . -name \*.tar.gz -o -name \*.zip) ; do echo -n
$(gsha256sum "$f" | sed -e 's/ .*$//') > "${f}.sha256" ; done
$ svn add 3.5.3
$ svn ci -m "Staging the 3.5.3 binaries for the release vote"
Send vote email
$ cd ../source-release-validator && target/appassembler/bin/sra
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/maven-1401 3.5.3
Send release-validator email
Start preparing the release notes
Start changes to recommended version in maven-site/pom.xml
$ svn ci -m "update release notes"
$ cd ~/apache/maven && vi doap_Maven.rdf && git commit -m "update doap"
doap_Maven.rdf && git push
$ svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3/3.5.3
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/maven/maven-3 -m "Release 3.5.3"
$ svn cp
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/website/components/ref/3.5.4 -m
"Deploy the 3.5.4 reference documentation"
$ Mark version released in JIRA
$ release staging repo
--- wait the sync to mirrors ---
24. Publish the website with https://cms.apache.org/maven/publish
25. Send the announcement email
26. (PMC only) Record the release on
27. Tweet the release
28. Wait for the announcement email to show up on the
https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-announce/ archives
29. Update the site history with the announce email
30. Publish the site again
31. Celebrate!!!
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the
next week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
   * MNG-6311
   * MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
2018-09-24 21:49:57 UTC
notice that the script will have to be updated for sha512 (that is not
published to staging repo)

most of the release procedure for core is exactly the same as for any


Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Hi Stephen,
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Hi Stephen,
I appreciate that...
That will a lot..
Too fast with the send button.
That will help a lot...
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Stephen Connolly
I assume you would like my notes from the 3.5.3 release: (also the
source-release-validator is at
$ export JAVA_HOME=jdk7
$ export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
$ mvn release:prepare release:perform
$ cd target/checkout
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
$ cd ../../../maven-integration-testing
$ docker build --tag maven-it:latest environments/debian-jdk7 && docker run
-it --rm -v $(pwd):/root/maven-integration-testing -v
$(pwd)/../maven:/root/maven maven-it:latest bash -c "cd
/root/maven-integration-testing && for dist in
/root/maven/target/checkout/apache-maven/target/apache-maven-*-bin.zip ; do
mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=\$HOME/tmp/repo
-DmavenDistro=\$dist ; done"
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
Close staging repo
$ cd ~/tmp
$ svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3 maven-dist
$ cd maven-dist
$ mkdir -p 3.5.3/{binaries,source}
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/binaries/ ; for hash in "" .asc
.md5 .sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/source/ ; for hash in "" .asc .md5
.sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done
$ for f in $(find . -name \*.tar.gz -o -name \*.zip) ; do echo -n
$(gsha256sum "$f" | sed -e 's/ .*$//') > "${f}.sha256" ; done
$ svn add 3.5.3
$ svn ci -m "Staging the 3.5.3 binaries for the release vote"
Send vote email
$ cd ../source-release-validator && target/appassembler/bin/sra
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/maven-1401 3.5.3
Send release-validator email
Start preparing the release notes
Start changes to recommended version in maven-site/pom.xml
$ svn ci -m "update release notes"
$ cd ~/apache/maven && vi doap_Maven.rdf && git commit -m "update doap"
doap_Maven.rdf && git push
$ svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3/3.5.3
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/maven/maven-3 -m "Release 3.5.3"
$ svn cp
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/website/components/ref/3.5.4 -m
"Deploy the 3.5.4 reference documentation"
$ Mark version released in JIRA
$ release staging repo
--- wait the sync to mirrors ---
24. Publish the website with https://cms.apache.org/maven/publish
25. Send the announcement email
26. (PMC only) Record the release on
27. Tweet the release
28. Wait for the announcement email to show up on the
https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-announce/ archives
29. Update the site history with the announce email
30. Publish the site again
31. Celebrate!!!
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the
next week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Elliotte Rusty Harold
2018-09-26 15:22:07 UTC
Post by Hervé BOUTEMY
most of the release procedure for core is exactly the same as for any
Thanks. That's what I was looking for.
Elliotte Rusty Harold

To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-24 19:01:30 UTC
Hi Stephen,

I think we should consider to move the code of that repository into the

we need to check the permission with Jason ...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Stephen Connolly
I assume you would like my notes from the 3.5.3 release: (also the
source-release-validator is at
$ export JAVA_HOME=jdk7
$ export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
$ export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"
$ mvn release:prepare release:perform
$ cd target/checkout
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
$ cd ../../../maven-integration-testing
$ docker build --tag maven-it:latest environments/debian-jdk7 && docker run
-it --rm -v $(pwd):/root/maven-integration-testing -v
$(pwd)/../maven:/root/maven maven-it:latest bash -c "cd
/root/maven-integration-testing && for dist in
/root/maven/target/checkout/apache-maven/target/apache-maven-*-bin.zip ; do
mvn clean install -Prun-its -Dmaven.repo.local=\$HOME/tmp/repo
-DmavenDistro=\$dist ; done"
$ mvn -Preporting site site:stage && mvn scm-publish:publish-scm
Close staging repo
$ cd ~/tmp
$ svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3 maven-dist
$ cd maven-dist
$ mkdir -p 3.5.3/{binaries,source}
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/binaries/ ; for hash in "" .asc
.md5 .sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done
$ for ext in tar.gz zip ; do ( cd 3.5.3/source/ ; for hash in "" .asc .md5
.sha1 ; do curl -O
; done ) done
$ for f in $(find . -name \*.tar.gz -o -name \*.zip) ; do echo -n
$(gsha256sum "$f" | sed -e 's/ .*$//') > "${f}.sha256" ; done
$ svn add 3.5.3
$ svn ci -m "Staging the 3.5.3 binaries for the release vote"
Send vote email
$ cd ../source-release-validator && target/appassembler/bin/sra
https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/maven-1401 3.5.3
Send release-validator email
Start preparing the release notes
Start changes to recommended version in maven-site/pom.xml
$ svn ci -m "update release notes"
$ cd ~/apache/maven && vi doap_Maven.rdf && git commit -m "update doap"
doap_Maven.rdf && git push
$ svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/maven/maven-3/3.5.3
https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/maven/maven-3 -m "Release 3.5.3"
$ svn cp
https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/maven/website/components/ref/3.5.4 -m
"Deploy the 3.5.4 reference documentation"
$ Mark version released in JIRA
$ release staging repo
--- wait the sync to mirrors ---
24. Publish the website with https://cms.apache.org/maven/publish
25. Send the announcement email
26. (PMC only) Record the release on
27. Tweet the release
28. Wait for the announcement email to show up on the
https://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/maven-announce/ archives
29. Update the site history with the announce email
30. Publish the site again
31. Celebrate!!!
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the
next week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Elliotte Rusty Harold
2018-09-24 13:42:52 UTC
What's the procedure/plans for updating the web site and docs in sync
with a new release? Most of the site seems to be in a separate repo.
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 / 30.09
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the next
week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I would
vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Elliotte Rusty Harold

To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-24 18:44:02 UTC
Hi Elliotte,
Post by Elliotte Rusty Harold
What's the procedure/plans for updating the web site and docs in sync
with a new release? Most of the site seems to be in a separate repo.
Can you be more specific about which sites/docs you are talking about?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Elliotte Rusty Harold
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 / 30.09
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the next
week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I would
vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
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For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Elliotte Rusty Harold
2018-09-24 19:59:01 UTC

That is, most of the content found on https://maven.apache.org/
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Hi Elliotte,
Post by Elliotte Rusty Harold
What's the procedure/plans for updating the web site and docs in sync
with a new release? Most of the site seems to be in a separate repo.
Can you be more specific about which sites/docs you are talking about?
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Elliotte Rusty Harold
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 / 30.09
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the next
week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I would
vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Elliotte Rusty Harold

To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-24 20:20:12 UTC
Hi Elliotte,
Post by Elliotte Rusty Harold
The web site is up-to-date (https://maven.apache.org/ of 09/22/2019
means two days old) ?

Is there something special you have in mind?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Elliotte Rusty Harold
That is, most of the content found on https://maven.apache.org/
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Hi Elliotte,
Post by Elliotte Rusty Harold
What's the procedure/plans for updating the web site and docs in sync
with a new release? Most of the site seems to be in a separate repo.
Can you be more specific about which sites/docs you are talking about?
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Elliotte Rusty Harold
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 / 30.09
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the next
week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I would
vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Michael Osipov
2018-09-25 06:07:04 UTC
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release the
next week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
  * MNG-6311
  * MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
I'd like to upgrade Wagon [1] for this release. I will add SCM 1.11.1 to
Wagon and start the release process today. If all is well, we can pick
up the release by end of month.

Is that ok?



To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-09-25 17:02:03 UTC
Hi Michael,
Post by Michael Osipov
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the feedback we had I would like to announce to cut a release
at the end of next Week which means (likely on Saturday/Sunday 29.09 /
30.09 )...
If anyone has something which should be put into Maven core release
the next week is your chance...
So this time I'm stepping up to be release manager for 3.6.0 of Maven
core...(if no one has objections to this.)..
Currently maven master is fine ...so keep it green...ah...sorry blue ;-)..
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
  * MNG-6311
  * MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
I'd like to upgrade Wagon [1] for this release. I will add SCM 1.11.1 to
Wagon and start the release process today. If all is well, we can pick
up the release by end of month.
Is that ok?
I don't see any issue here...cause I have claimed to do the release on
Saturday / Sunday os in the end we might talk about a few days waiting...

No problem at all..

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Michael Osipov
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-10-01 20:02:08 UTC

currently I see only the following open issues:

- currently open @Sylwester can you check this?

- currently the last Tests are done. Something
which should be changed?

Adding WAGON newest version (3.2.0) to core release?

anything else which should be part of it?

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Michael Osipov
2018-10-01 20:49:15 UTC
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
- currently the last Tests are done. Something
which should be changed?
Adding WAGON newest version (3.2.0) to core release?
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
anything else which should be part of it?
Next MRESOLVER. I still waiting for Sylwester for fix an open PR from him.


To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-10-02 16:11:57 UTC

Now MNG-6164

will come into play?

What do you think ?
Post by Michael Osipov
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
- currently the last Tests are done. Something
which should be changed?
Adding WAGON newest version (3.2.0) to core release?
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
anything else which should be part of it?
Next MRESOLVER. I still waiting for Sylwester for fix an open PR from him.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Michael Osipov
2018-10-02 19:56:47 UTC
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Now MNG-6164
will come into play?
What do you think ?
Hopefully, let's push it.
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Michael Osipov
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
- currently the last Tests are done. Something
which should be changed?
Adding WAGON newest version (3.2.0) to core release?
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
anything else which should be part of it?
Next MRESOLVER. I still waiting for Sylwester for fix an open PR from him.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Karl Heinz Marbaise
2018-10-05 06:40:40 UTC
Post by Michael Osipov
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Now MNG-6164
will come into play?
What do you think ?
Hopefully, let's push it.
From my point of view of course go on...

Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Michael Osipov
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Michael Osipov
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
     - currently the last Tests are done. Something
       which should be changed?
Adding WAGON newest version (3.2.0) to core release?
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
anything else which should be part of it?
Next MRESOLVER. I still waiting for Sylwester for fix an open PR from him.
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Michael Osipov
2018-10-06 07:57:41 UTC
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
 > Hi,
 > Now MNG-6164
 > will come into play?
 > What do you think ?
Hopefully, let's push it.
From my point of view of course go on...
Alright, will push this change for 3.6.0

To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Michael Osipov
2018-10-06 07:58:56 UTC
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
 * MNG-6311
 * MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Any objections to merge Wagon 3.2.0 into this release?
As for Resolver, I will proceed with the release w/o parallel download
feature for POMs.


To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Robert Scholte
2018-10-06 08:51:27 UTC
Most of the issues look like maintenance, very small chance of regression
so to me it is safe to add this to Maven 3.6.0. We don't have any feedback
yet on this Wagon release.
Just be aware that if we hit regression we must try to fix it ASAP.

Post by Michael Osipov
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Any objections to merge Wagon 3.2.0 into this release?
As for Resolver, I will proceed with the release w/o parallel download
feature for POMs.
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For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org

Robert Scholte
2018-10-06 08:47:47 UTC
FYI, just ran the following goal:

mvn compile org.sonatype.ossindex.maven:ossindex-maven-plugin:audit

Result on all modules is a CVSS-score threshold: 0.0

In contrast: IIRC the owasp dependency plugin gave several false positives.

We should consider to add this to the maven-parent to get early
notifications on known CVEs.

On Thu, 13 Sep 2018 22:20:06 +0200, Karl Heinz Marbaise
Post by Karl Heinz Marbaise
based on the issues have been solved..
* MNG-6311
* MNG-6391
Afterwards I would like to cut a release of Maven Core...
Should we call it 3.6.0 or 3.5.5..?
Based on the fixed issues which are only bug fixes (my opinion)...I
would vote for 3.5.5 ?
What do you think?
Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise
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For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org