Meaning of ~~life~~ - end-of-life
Mirko Friedenhagen
2018-11-01 11:57:20 UTC

# Preambel
* I just opened a PR at Homebrew[0], a package manager for macOS, to update Maven to 3.6.0.
* First thing was, the Download page[1] still states 3.5.4 as latest and greatest, which is a bit confusing given the change-date tells me it changed just changed today.
* And as Homebrew supports versioned packages, users may easily install the latest micro-versions of minors 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and now of course I wanted to add 3.5 to the mix.
* One of the Homebrew maintainers now wants to remove at least one older version. I agreed to start a discussion on this list :-)
* After some searching I found the 3.0.5 EOL discussion[8], but could not get a real conclusion. And today being a public holiday in the catholic states of Germany I could not hinder myself to think about the:

# Meaning of life - for Maven Core
* For Maven 2[4] there is a dedicated page what EOL does mean.
* I think maybe we (I am not very active currently, sorry) should at least manifest somewhere the meaning of life of a Maven core release as well.
* Some ideas follow, YMMV :-)

## Core gets patched!
* Looking at Maven's history page[2], I found no minor release was ever updated to a new micro version after a new minor was released.
* So obviously a core version being not in the EOL state does not mean that anything will be patched in a micro release (Or does it? Would a „blocker" bug found in 3.0.5 lead to a 3.0.6?).
* After a quick look into Jenkins I only found one job for master but not for older „stable“ branches. master itself is built with 3.5.4.
* Are there jobs which still build the older 3.x releases nowadays? Are the old tags buildable?

## All Apache plugins and components are working with all cores!
* Does it mean all Maven plugins and components developed by us are tested against 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 and now 3.5 as well as 3.6?
* Surefire[5] does have an impressing matrix, but I only see 3.5, 3.3 and 3.2 but not 3.1 or 3.0.
* asfMavenTlpPlgnBuild does not include 3.0 or 3.1 either.

## Users may still download the old stuff!
* This seems to be the case, all 3.X releases are downloadable from the dist page[7]

## Users may still find the old documentation!
* According to the history page[2] old documentation is still available.

I am sure there is more that could be said.

Best Regards

[0] https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/33572
[1] https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
[2] https://maven.apache.org/docs/history.html
[3] https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/Maven/job/maven-box/
[4] http://maven.apache.org/maven-2.x-eol.html
[5] https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/Maven/job/maven-box/job/maven-surefire/job/master/
[6] https://gitbox.apache.org/repos/asf?p=maven-jenkins-lib.git;a=blob;f=vars/asfMavenTlpPlgnBuild.groovy;hb=HEAD
[7] https://www.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/
[8] https://markmail.org/message/k4o5nkhrvhb3j5a4
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
Stephen Connolly
2018-11-01 12:10:23 UTC
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
# Preambel
* I just opened a PR at Homebrew[0], a package manager for macOS, to update Maven to 3.6.0.
* First thing was, the Download page[1] still states 3.5.4 as latest and
greatest, which is a bit confusing given the change-date tells me it
changed just changed today.
* And as Homebrew supports versioned packages, users may easily install
the latest micro-versions of minors 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and now of course I
wanted to add 3.5 to the mix.
* One of the Homebrew maintainers now wants to remove at least one older
version. I agreed to start a discussion on this list :-)
* After some searching I found the 3.0.5 EOL discussion[8], but could not
get a real conclusion. And today being a public holiday in the catholic
# Meaning of life - for Maven Core
* For Maven 2[4] there is a dedicated page what EOL does mean.
* I think maybe we (I am not very active currently, sorry) should at least
manifest somewhere the meaning of life of a Maven core release as well.
* Some ideas follow, YMMV :-)
## Core gets patched!
* Looking at Maven's history page[2], I found no minor release was ever
updated to a new micro version after a new minor was released.
* So obviously a core version being not in the EOL state does not mean
that anything will be patched in a micro release (Or does it? Would a
„blocker" bug found in 3.0.5 lead to a 3.0.6?).
A critical security issue *might* be assessed by the PMC as warranting an
update to some of the older release lines, but that would really require
known compatibility issues that seriously block users upgrading to the
latest and greatest Maven Core and a very serious security issue.

Until we hit Maven 4.x and 5.x this should be mostly unlikely to occur...
but I would not hold my breath
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
* After a quick look into Jenkins I only found one job for master but not
for older „stable“ branches. master itself is built with 3.5.4.
* Are there jobs which still build the older 3.x releases nowadays? Are
the old tags buildable?
## All Apache plugins and components are working with all cores!
* Does it mean all Maven plugins and components developed by us are tested
against 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 and now 3.5 as well as 3.6?
* Surefire[5] does have an impressing matrix, but I only see 3.5, 3.3 and
3.2 but not 3.1 or 3.0.
* asfMavenTlpPlgnBuild does not include 3.0 or 3.1 either.
## Users may still download the old stuff!
* This seems to be the case, all 3.X releases are downloadable from the dist page[7]
## Users may still find the old documentation!
* According to the history page[2] old documentation is still available.
I am sure there is more that could be said.
Best Regards
[0] https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/33572
[1] https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
[2] https://maven.apache.org/docs/history.html
[3] https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/Maven/job/maven-box/
[4] http://maven.apache.org/maven-2.x-eol.html
[7] https://www.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/
[8] https://markmail.org/message/k4o5nkhrvhb3j5a4
Mirko Friedenhagen
2018-11-01 15:04:23 UTC
Post by Stephen Connolly
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
# Meaning of life - for Maven Core
* For Maven 2[4] there is a dedicated page what EOL does mean.
* I think maybe we (I am not very active currently, sorry) should at least
manifest somewhere the meaning of life of a Maven core release as well.
* Some ideas follow, YMMV :-)
## Core gets patched!
* Looking at Maven's history page[2], I found no minor release was ever
updated to a new micro version after a new minor was released.
* So obviously a core version being not in the EOL state does not mean
that anything will be patched in a micro release (Or does it? Would a
„blocker" bug found in 3.0.5 lead to a 3.0.6?).
A critical security issue *might* be assessed by the PMC as warranting an
update to some of the older release lines, but that would really require
known compatibility issues that seriously block users upgrading to the
latest and greatest Maven Core and a very serious security issue.
Until we hit Maven 4.x and 5.x this should be mostly unlikely to occur...
but I would not hold my breath
So for the practical issue of Homebrew, I would suggest to drop 3.0 and 3.1 as they are not even tested nowadays for compatibility with current plugins’ masters anyways.

Is the idea of having a page where your statement in regards of patching as decided by a PMC is written down, so people know what to expect (or not) a good one or is this administrative overkill?

At least something like a standard test matrix page could be added to the Maven site, where the matrices are outlined. Anyone looking at the page may then decide how risky using an outdated version is.

Robert Scholte
2018-11-01 17:47:51 UTC
On Thu, 01 Nov 2018 12:57:20 +0100, Mirko Friedenhagen =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
# Preambel
* I just opened a PR at Homebrew[0], a package manager for macOS, to =
update Maven to 3.6.0.
* First thing was, the Download page[1] still states 3.5.4 as latest a=
nd =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
greatest, which is a bit confusing given the change-date tells me it =
changed just changed today.
* And as Homebrew supports versioned packages, users may easily instal=
l =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
the latest micro-versions of minors 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and now of cour=
se =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
I wanted to add 3.5 to the mix.
* One of the Homebrew maintainers now wants to remove at least one old=
er =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
version. I agreed to start a discussion on this list :-)
* After some searching I found the 3.0.5 EOL discussion[8], but could =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
not get a real conclusion. And today being a public holiday in the =
catholic states of Germany I could not hinder myself to think about th=
# Meaning of life - for Maven Core
* For Maven 2[4] there is a dedicated page what EOL does mean.
IMO we should only talk about EOL for the major versions. Once Maven 3 i=
s =

EOL, this maven-2-eol page will be replaced.
I don't intent to do this for every release saying explicitly: with this=

release we'll mark the previous as EOL.
Up until now nobody has asked to backport specific issues to a minor =

release of Maven3.
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
* I think maybe we (I am not very active currently, sorry) should at =
least manifest somewhere the meaning of life of a Maven core release a=
s =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
* Some ideas follow, YMMV :-)
## Core gets patched!
* Looking at Maven's history page[2], I found no minor release was eve=
r =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
updated to a new micro version after a new minor was released.
* So obviously a core version being not in the EOL state does not mean=
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
that anything will be patched in a micro release (Or does it? Would a =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
=E2=80=9Eblocker" bug found in 3.0.5 lead to a 3.0.6?).
* After a quick look into Jenkins I only found one job for master but =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
not for older =E2=80=9Estable=E2=80=9C branches. master itself is buil=
t with 3.5.4.
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
* Are there jobs which still build the older 3.x releases nowadays? Ar=
e =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
the old tags buildable?
## All Apache plugins and components are working with all cores!
* Does it mean all Maven plugins and components developed by us are =
tested against 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 and now 3.5 as well as 3.6?
* Surefire[5] does have an impressing matrix, but I only see 3.5, 3.3 =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
and 3.2 but not 3.1 or 3.0.
* asfMavenTlpPlgnBuild does not include 3.0 or 3.1 either.
IIRC 3.1 is not available on the Jenkins of builds.a.o

And according to Olivier there's no need to test with 3.0 anymore, see
I don't fully agree, but do understand this change. This will reduce the=

number of executions a little bit.
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
## Users may still download the old stuff!
* This seems to be the case, all 3.X releases are downloadable from th=
e =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
dist page[7]
## Users may still find the old documentation!
* According to the history page[2] old documentation is still availabl=
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
I am sure there is more that could be said.
Best Regards
[0] https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/33572
[1] https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
[2] https://maven.apache.org/docs/history.html
[3] https://builds.apache.org/view/M-R/view/Maven/job/maven-box/
[4] http://maven.apache.org/maven-2.x-eol.html
[5] =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
[6] =
Post by Mirko Friedenhagen
[7] https://www.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/
[8] https://markmail.org/message/k4o5nkhrvhb3j5a4
To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: dev-***@maven.apache.org
